Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hello everyone, My name is Joshlee, I am a Gospel Rap Artist in the Orlando area. I am creating this blog to share my testimonies on how good God is and how real he is. Yesterday was a very interesting day for me. it seem when Satan knows you have blessings of increase and favor just ahead for you, he will make all types of obstacles to keep you distracted from following Gods word. last night it was Tom Joyner's VIP meet and greet reception down here in Orlando for his 2k walk fundraiser he is having today. and the whole day leading up to it, Satan kept in my ear, "naw u dont need to go tonite, there will be plenty of other times" and "you need to hit the streets and make some money with these cd's" things of that nature. but as the day went on and i kept hearing these things, thats when i told myself im going and satan you cant stop me, and then he disappeared. i went there and i was able to meet people that God had intended me to meet. from the program director for the radio station, attorneys to movie producers and event planners in and out of Orlando. and to make it even sweeter, there were alot of members from my church there also, so when people asked about me, they were getting good rapport about me, and thats why people were walking up to me like "hey you the gospel rapper right? i got something going on can i get your contact info."

Prior to this, I had been trying to reach my friend for about 2 weeks about some studio time but couldnt reach him. so the day before, i asked "Lord please get Julio to call me. i havent spoken to him in a while" and left it at that. so after i left the reception im going home and my phone rings....guess who it is :-) i told him the story and he couldnt believe it. i dont even want to think about what could have happened if i would have listened to Satan and not went to the reception. i know that God is by my side everyday, so i reach my roots deeper to gain a more solid trust in him that he will and can take care of all my needs, and not let Satan deter me from it. walk by faith not by sight. please leave me your comments.

You Are Not Alone

he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set
him on high, because he . . . [has a personal knowledge of My mercy,
love, and kindness—trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never
forsake him].
— Psalm 91:14

God wants you to know you are not alone. Satan wants you to believe you are all alone,
but you are not. He wants you to believe no one understands how you
feel, but that is not true.

In addition to God being with you, many believers know how you feel and understand what you are
experiencing mentally and emotionally.

As God’s child, you can claim His wonderful promises. No matter what you are facing or how
lonely you may feel, know that you are not alone.

As you meditate on God tonight, draw strength and encouragement from knowing
He is always faithful and He will never forsake you.

From the book Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Evening of the Year by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce
Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

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