Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Confessions of a Christian Rapper

Yes, that is the title for my new book " Confessions of a Christian Rapper"  This book reveals a lot about my past  and present life. Seeing the increase of black christian books, i felt the need to tell my story. I wanted to tell my story to all who would listen to it.

I have been through so many trials and just like you, some battles I did win, and others I lost. I have lived a decent life up till now, and I intend on following God to find out what else he has in store for me. In this new christian book i have opened up about a few things that many don't know about me. And i hope that this new book will help someone who has been through, or who is going through the same situations.

This  christian eBook is about the life of a christian rapper. This rapper has a interesting background story. This amazing book is full of interesting tales of money, drugs,sex, relationships, music, work, and family and proverbial insight from the lessons of his life.     

New christian books  are climbing high and it seems like they are more in demand in this present day. Many people are seeking the truth, because they are starting to realize all of the lies that are being told to them through every form of media they are using right now. Christian rappers,and christian hip hop music is on a steady increase in searches and sales. More youth are looking for new and more positive music to listen to. And i don't blame them.

This book has many lessons that you can learn from. Especially my mistakes. Christian rappers are of the elite that has been overlooked for a long time. I look forward to putting the stamp of  the love of Jesus Christ on as many hearts as i can do. Christian are an elite group as a whole that has not been silenced.

It will be ready by Christmas, so if you would like to be on the mailing list to be the first ones a copy of this book please click on the link below,

or send an email to "" and put "I want your book" in the subject line.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why didnt God destroy Satan from the beginning?

Why didnt God destroy Satan from the start? well, when you look at it, he had several reasons. 1) Satan had rumored and rattled so many of the angels that, if God did destroy him, it would have more of the angels questioning God's authority. 2) God wanted to give the angels a chance to really see the motives of Satan for who he really was, so when judgment came, there would be no excuse or pity on his punishment. freedom of choice was the greatest gift that the creator has given man, besides procreation, but it also comes with GREAT responsibility. When you choose to follow God and his will, you will be rewarded for your obedience. But if you  choose to follow rebellion, then punishment will be your judgment. There is no good reward in following rebellion.

 The angels watched as Satan deceived Adam and Eve, and how he took dominion of this world away from them and continued his battle with the Almighty to this day. They even saw how he came back and forth from the earth looking for his next prey. Look at what horrible things he did to a man named Job, took his family, all ten children, his livestock, made him ill with boils  and sores all over him, and made his wife talk crazy to him, and his friends couldn't understand either. And last but not least, look at what he did to the one who tried to save him from his own destruction; beat him, whipped and gorged him, disfigured his face, many people spit on him, made him carry a cross. Not only did he nail him to the cross, he stood it up on the highest point for all to see! 

 That was the moment that they knew he was a liar and a murderer. They knew that God was righteous and holy in his ways. Blessed are  the ones who didn't believe Satan's  lies. But sad for those who did follow him and got cast out. He had every opportunity to change but he chose otherwise. Hopefully some humans will be smart enough not to follow and receive his same punishment.

We can never know God's plan for things until we start doing our part. Then little at a time, he gives us pieces to the puzzle as we go...stay diligent and humble yourself. God will show you honor and glory for your obedience to him.

If you looking for new christian rap music: