Saturday, August 28, 2010

coming soon!!

a moment is the answer to all of lifes mysteries!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Want to treat your pet bird to something nice?....check this out.

Pet birds can be very helpful to some people. Some birds can do many tasks that the owner can use if trained right. And they also can be your worst nightmare if you dont train it right. its the same with any animal. i have seen many special pet birds in my life. birds are an interesting creature. especially parrots. there are different species of them and they can become very big in size (like the Kakapo) and small (like the Rosellas). And we all have pets that we just adore and want to spoil and treat well all the time, because we consider them family. we buy hats, socks, sweaters, all type of toys and trinkets for the animals we love.
For the birds, i think owners are more compassionate with their pet birds, because of how delicate they are. you want to give them the best bird cage, or bird toy that you can find for them. and i feel your love for you "family member" :-) which is why i did my best to find a site that has the best of the most affordable bird cages, bird houses, bird baths, feeders,  you name it,  on the net ( i stumbled upon this website and it has name brands from A&E Cages to Whitehall.  you can even look through the store category for more bird cages. There are big savings on the  on this site and there are many bird cages and bird homes that show superior craftsmanship. And the love for your bird or birds. it  is a wonderful site to check out if you are looking for something special for your loved one.

i love the way people interact with their pets because it shows the real side of people that you dont see all the time. but i think that all bird owners would love to spoil there pets in all the ways they can show. i know you appreciate your pet, so check out i know that you will be able to find a special gift for your beloved bird. unlike the other meaning for this saying, this one here IS "for the birds."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Men that are married to more than one woman...

Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians:1-2

now every man knows that, there is a woman for every man, thats why women are always looking for the "one" . not the couple of guys, or the gang, or the basketball team. but there are an elite group of men who blasphemy against God's word saying that it is ok to have more than one wife. its hard to believe that, since God had warned David's son Solomon, not to have so many wives, because they will turn his heart away from him. and low and behold, thats what happened to Solomon. but these guys think that is ok. and these videos are inspired by none other than the hip hop artist 'Akon"  ladies and gentlemen, please leave your comments.  tell me what you think.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This Message is to the Whole world!!! I hope you are paying attention....

"16 So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. 17 The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. 18 But when you are directed by the Spirit, you are not under obligation to the law of Moses.

19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. 25 Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. 26 Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another." Galatians 5:16-26

we all have had to deal with evil everyday of our lives. some overcome it, and some perish. but today i want to show you what the enemy (Satan) can and is continuing to do to us on a daily basis. see alot of atheist and other people who worship Satan, have this notion that they think that they will reign with the him in his kingdom as he attempts to overthrow the almighty God (yeah right). so he deceives all of those who choose to worship him and join him in his outrageous quest. they all say yes because they want the riches and power of this world, but failing to realize that they will not win that war. so if your soul was money, you just gave it to him to play a game of poker that he ALREADY KNOWS HE'S GOING TO LOSE, but because he has players willing to give up their souls, he will gladly continue to play.the moment that one soul walks up and smells the coffee, before its to late, will become a new enemy of his and he will do all in his limited power, to take you down. all he does is lie, kill, steal, and destroy. he will take everything you ever loved, because of his jealous and prideful nature. there will never be peace under his authority, because he chose not to live under those laws anymore. so if destruction and death and chaos and anarchy, is what you like and choose for yourself, go ahead knock yourself out. but after you have realized how much bondage you are under, then hopefully you will come to your senses,before its too late again and try serving the same master i serve, because he has a way better benefit plan! for one, by obeying him, i get to be with him and have eternal life after i leave earth. there are so many other benefits, i just couldnt name them all. but sadly,there are the ones who try, but dont stick with their faith in Jesus Christ,so they fall out of it, and let the lusts of the worldly things, consume them and they have forfeited their souls for those thngs. if you dont think its true, lets take a look at Kanye West. we all remember some of the things he has been doing lately and in the past. do you remember when he first came out, how much energy and life he had because he thought he made it, and he was happy cause now he could take care of the family and what not. you remember his song "touch the sky":
we all get happy when success comes in our life,but we have to be careful of where that success is coming from. because some things in life are not worth it,and some are, but NOTHING is worth selling your soul for. and then he started trying to stay positive, and knowing how powerful music is, he wanted everyone to know how much he knew who Jesus was so he came out with that smash hit, "Jesus Walk"
that was one of the boldest songs to come out for this generation, because he started realizing how many chains Satan had on his life,and alot of others like him, because of his desire to succeed in the rap game. over the years he has been in and out of the media, but everything that is in the scripture above, Kanye has done, along with the rest of his occult colleagues. but sadly the story with Kanye's demise, because he ultimately chose darkness over light, just as he has shown us in the Johnny Cash video "God's gonna cut you down". check out right in the beginning of the video, Kanye shows you exactly what he chooses. you will notice a rack of white clothes to his left, but he has on all black,and then goes stands under the light to show straight defiance of the light. the sad thing is, is that the truth is their in plain sight, because since Satan has us believing the lie so much, he can just come out full blast with it, and no one will know the difference and if they do, its almost like "and, so what?" my fellow youth, please understand that this is not by accident that, so much of the world is occult nowadays, and that all the music and videos you are being fed are purposely made to hinder your mind to progress in a positive manner. the more they can pump dumb-down music on the airwaves and on TV to your ears and eyes, the more they can control everything else that they pump into your minds. did you even notice how our president even mocked the bible in one of his speeches back in 2006. what are we doing about this followers of Christ?
we have Jay-Z blatantly defying Jesus Christ and God in all of his songs. but we all love Jay-Hova :-( sorry i dont. i like his lyrical talent, but i dont condone him letting Satan destroy his God given talent. "On to the next one" is a clear indication of how much the occult is being embedded into the minds on youth all over the world. look at how demonic Jay portrays himself. these videos are not accident, they are all scripted, this was designed to look this way.
i hope that you can see that Satan in his last attempts is planning to pull of the biggest holocaust scheme for souls that the world has ever seen. they want kids to separate from your parents by excessive child protective laws, so much defiled music, videos,and art. taking God out of the schools, so you kids have no idea who God is, and make it to where if you do know who God is, you will be either to afraid to speak about him for fear of being executed, or you will be in denial about him. i hope that this will help you see what happens when you dont keep your faith and obedience in God, how much it can really blind you to a better and more fulfilling life. sure you can have success and wealth, and happiness when you keep God at the center, cause thats when you will really be happy for what you have. but when you have Satan at the center of your success, best believe it will never be satisfying. because there will always be a missing void that nothing he can give you will fill it. trust in the Lord, and the president is right, folks havent been reading their bibles!! so start dusting off your bibles and get to reading! one last thought.... i wonder what would happen if America was to wake up simultaneously and starting repenting and praying to God and asking for forgiveness, and asking him to help us rid of all these corrupt powers and principalities in our nation, so we can take back our jobs, and schools,get back our children and families, and make our own products, stop being so dependent on imports, praying that the church start acting like the church, what would happen then?please leave me your thoughts